GIS and ArcGIS Training In Abuja Nigeria
This GIS and ArcGIS Training In Abuja Nigeria is practical hands-on training where a trainer is assigned to you.
A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data.
GIS connects data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all types of descriptive information (what things are like there). This provides a foundation for mapping and analysis that is used in science and almost every industry.
GIS helps users understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context. The benefits include improved communication and efficiency as well as better management and decision-making.

Students will learn the basics of GIS technology and its application in different industries; Understand common workflows in GIS, Common GIS components; Learn about the different GIS applications.
Customization of Maps using, Google Maps and Google Earth Pro and ArcGIS Online. How to create, edit, import and export map components.
Benefits of taking GIS and ArcGIS Training In Abuja Nigeria
- Cost savings resulting from greater efficiency – These are associated either with carrying out the mission (i.e., labor savings from automating or improving a workflow) or improvements in the mission itself.
- Better decision making. This typically has to do with making better decisions about location. Common examples include real estate site selection, route/corridor selection, zoning, planning, conservation, natural resource extraction, etc
- Improved communication. GIS-based maps and visualizations greatly assist in understanding situations and story-telling. They are a new language that improves communication between different teams, departments, disciplines, professional fields, organizations, and the public.
- Better geographic information recordkeeping. Many organizations have a primary responsibility of maintaining authoritative records about the status and change of geography (geographic accounting).
Cultural geography examples are zoning, population census, land ownership, and administrative boundaries.
What will students achieve at the end of this training?
This GIS and ArcGIS training course in Abuja Nigeria will get you up and running with GIS in a very short time.
By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand GIS technology and how to use ArcGIS software to make maps.
At the end of this GIS and ArcGIS training students will learn the basics of GIS technology and its application in different industries; Understand common workflows in GIS, Common GIS components; Learn about the different GIS applications.
Customization of Maps using MapInfo, Google Maps, and Google Earth Pro. How to create, edit, import and export map components
— Student will understand how to start a new project on ArcGIS, create feature classes and feature services.
Collate field data, Customize maps and run analysis. Publish maps services, design operational dashboard for Management view, publish a map on the ESRI story map public platform. Work with Survey123, Quickcapture, and ESRI living atlas
Knowledge of GIS –Geographic Information Systems is an increasingly sought-after skill in industries from IT, agriculture to public health.
This GIS training in Abuja Nigeria will teach the skills you need to successfully use GIS software in a professional setting.
You will learn how to analyze your spatial data, use cartography techniques to communicate your results in maps, and collaborate with peers in GIS and GIS-dependent fields.
In the final Capstone Project, you will create a professional-quality GIS portfolio piece using a combination of data identification and collection, analytical map development, and spatial analysis techniques.
You will also learn how to use ArcGIS to create interactive maps, visualize spatial data, create your own customized maps.
What you’ll learn in this GIS and ArcGIS training in Abuja Nigeria
Fully understand how GIS works.
Learn how to understand, clean, and map GIS data.
Learn how to work with both vector and raster data.
Learn about GPS and Remote Sensing technologies.
Understand map projections and reference systems.
Create and Share Interactive Maps on ArcGIS
Visualize geospatial data in 2D and 3D
Learn to download and install ArcGIS
Learn to edit and make multiple types of maps on ArcGIS
Make your own customized maps
Build a web map from scratch and publish it online.
Geocode addresses to longitude and latitude coordinates.
Complete an entire GIS project on acquiring, processing, analyzing, and visualizing GIS data.
Learn how to perform joins, clipping, normalization, and many more core GIS operations.
Who uses GIS?
GIS software is being used widely in almost all fields. GIS software are used by an individual, people, communities, research institutions, environmental scientists, health organizations, land-use planners, businesses, and government agencies at all levels.
Urban Planning, Management & Policy
Oil and Gas companies
Oil and gas data is strongly connected to geography. For example, oil exploration, pipeline construction and the environment use GIS. All of these features are spatial in nature.
Uses range from information storage; spatial pattern identification; visual presentation of spatial relationships; remote sensing – all sometimes made available through internet web interfaces, involving large numbers of users, data collectors, specialists and/or community participants.
Many government agencies use GIS software to help in planning and organizing their geographic data.
Many police departments, fire departments and other emergency services have begun to use GIS to help in their daily operations.
GIS software can help officials track crime, find the shortest route to emergencies and more.
GIS and ArcGIS Training delivery method.
The best way to learn GIS is to take practical hands-on training like our GIS and ArcGIS training in Abuja. This GIS training in Abuja Nigeria will teach the skills you need to successfully use GIS software in a professional setting.
Start Learning GIS and ArcGIS by taking our GIS and ArcGIS Training in Abuja. You will learn about the different GIS applications, understand common workflows in GIS and Common GIS components.
The best place to learn GIS and ArcGIS is Computer Training School Abuja. It is the best because students get practical hands-on training on the basics of GIS technology and its application in different industries.