Computer Repair and Maintenance Training in Nigeria
Our Computer Repair and Maintenance Training in Abuja Nigeria is practical hands-on training where a trainer is assigned to you. It’s not just theory as you will work on bad systems and turn them around.
With the role of computers in day-to-day business, computer repair and maintenance professionals are valuable. Companies in every industry need to have computer technology implemented and maintained, keeping these workers in constant demand.
Computer Training School Nigeria computer repair and maintenance training can lead to diverse roles in computer installation, maintenance, and repair, or can prepare students to continue learning in other related programs.

If you aren’t sure which area of computer technology you want to specialize in, or you’re simply interested in computer systems, hardware, and programs, here’s what you need to know.
Every computer eventually needs a tune-up, and with the training, you’ll learn how to complete that tune-up using basic computer hardware theory and operating system and application program skills. Additionally, you’ll acquire technical hands-on experience in installation, maintenance, and application of troubleshooting techniques.
With more and more microcomputer-based systems entering the marketplace, there’s a need for professionals who can link their computer hardware expertise to the general needs of the business.
To ensure your success in the field, you’ll also gain business experience by examining approaches for maintaining strong customer relations and providing effective technical support.
This concise applied science program will prepare you to step into an important role by combining a broad range of computer-related courses with strong interpersonal skills training.
Because computer repair can be so complicated, it’s imperative that aspiring computer techs understand everything from fixing laptop hardware to managing servers. But basic computer repair knowledge is useful for the average person as well. Regardless of your expertise.
Why enroll in Computer Repair and Maintenance training?
Computer repair and maintenance training is used for a wide variety of computer problems and issues. Whether it be repairing or replacing parts, solving network issues, or maintaining current parts, computer repair covers it all.
Repairing and Replacing Hardware. Quite frequently, you will hear of computer repair technicians having to fix or completely replace some of the hardware components in a computer.
This could mean pieces such as the hard drive or fan.
Repairing and Replacing Software. Computer repair often involves software malfunctioning on the computer.
If this is the case, technicians work to determine the issue in applications such as Microsoft Office and repair or replace the faulty software.
Solving Network and Connectivity Issues.
If you have ever tried to use your laptop only to find it will not connect to the Internet, you have likely worked with a computer repair technician to solve the issue.
This part of the job involves determining if the issue is computer or network related, and finding solutions to the problem.
Maintaining PC Parts.
Maintenance is a part of computer repair that is often skipped or forgotten about.
Computer repair technicians will perform routine maintenance on your computer to extend its life by cleaning parts and files, upgrading software, and if necessary, upgrading old PC parts.
Benefits of taking a Computer Repair and Maintenance training
Computer Repair and maintenance isn’t just about the hardware and software. There are a few computer repair skills that all certified technicians will be well-versed in, including virus removal, accessories repair, and data recovery.
Virus Removal
Even with the developments of anti-virus software, people continue to get viruses on their computers all the time. Computer repair technicians must be able to identify if a computer brought to them has a virus, and if so, how to remove it.
Unfortunately, not every virus can be removed. It is just as important for technicians to recognize when it is not possible to salvage the computer as it is to know how to remove viruses.
Accessories Repair
For anyone with an awesome computer setup, you likely have a few computer accessories. Perhaps you have a contoured mouse and keyboard to ease wrist pain or ones that light up for a cool aesthetic effect when developing video games.
Whatever the reasoning, it is frustrating if one of these coveted accessories begins to malfunction.
Luckily, any good computer repair technician will be able to repair these accessories. While not everything is fixable, they can help you find a solution.
Data Recovery and Backup
Losing your saved data from your computer is one of the worst feelings ever. It doesn’t matter if that data includes priceless family vacation photos or the final project for your coding Bootcamp, the frustration brought on by losing your work is real.
You can learn Adobe Photoshop from the best practical hands-on training school in Abuja- Computer Training School Nigeria. Learn for experts in the industry, a trainer is assigned to you from start to finish and you earn a recognized certificate at the end of your course.
You can learn Computer repair and maintenance by taking our practical hands-on Computer repair and maintenance training course. Computer Training School Nigeria’s computer repair and maintenance training can lead to diverse roles in computer installation, maintenance, and repair, or can prepare students to continue learning in other related programs.
The best course to learn computer repair and maintenance is our practical hands-on Computer repair and maintenance training course.
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